Health and Safety
Our safety culture at CQ Exploration is driven by a true belief that lost time injuries in the workforce can be prevented through the development, implementation, and maintenance of our safety management systems that address the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 Safety and Health Management Systems along with industry standards.
CQ Exploration’s continuous safety improvement initiatives include:
- Providing and maintaining healthy and safe workplaces, safe plants, and systems of work.
- Providing written procedures and instructions to ensure safe work practices.
- Ensure compliance with legislative duties and current industry standards.
- Providing relevant information, instruction, training, and supervision to workers, contractors, and customers as necessary to ensure their continued health and safety.
- Providing support and assistance to workers and involving them in consultation on safety issues.

Central Queensland Exploration utilises cloud-based safety management systems which are available offline at each site.
This gives our field personnel access to risk assessments, safe work instructions, standard operating procedures, hazard identification, equipment manuals, MSDS, and certification records at their fingertips.
These safe systems of work are implemented along with those of our clients to ensure safe work environments are provided at all times to our employees.